The Yeatman-Biggs Lodge No. 2672 is a Lodge of Freemasons in London. We welcome visiting Masons and new candidates.

Constituted 3rd June 1897 in Calcutta

                    Worked in London by Dispensation, February 1971 to February 1973. Became a London Lodge 14th March 1973

We meet on the second Saturday in February (Installation), April, October, and the third Saturday in November at Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, London, WC2B 5AZ

Members Area

If you wish to attend or join please use the contact page

The Masters Charity is Guide Dogs for the Blind UK

Guides Dogs for the Blind UK is this years Worshipful Masters chosen charity.

A charity, almost entirely funded by donations, and the world’s largest assistance dog organisation. As world leaders in puppy socialisation and dog training, they are the only organisation to breed and train guide dogs in the UK. They are also the largest employer of specialists dedicated to helping children and young people overcome the challenges of sight loss